Total Driving Distance: 272km
Kuala Rompin-Pekan-Kuantan-Dungun
Total Driving Time: 6.5 hours
Late checked in last night. Actually we were worried about Jimny condition. Before arrived, we heard the sound of flowing water. Video called to our boss, he guessed ”It is water from air-con, don’t worry about it.”.
10:30am, I decided keep on driving. T
he sound had gone after few minutes.
え⁉ 大丈夫かな⁉ なんか壊れたかなぁ…?
不安だがそのまま就寝。翌朝10:30am、車を動かすとまだその音がします。ピンチか⁉ ボスに連絡すると「多分エアコンの水だから大丈夫」とのこと。ほんまかいな? と、恐る恐るも出発するとやがてその音は消え、ホッとする。
The reason of staying Kuala Rompin was, I wanted to eat my favorite Nasi Dagang.
When we arrived the stall, it was closed…T_T….
When I came for swordfishing last time, I saw many sign board which mentioned about “Udan Galah” in Kuala Rompin. Ok, let’s look for it!
We found a roadside restaurant.
Wah… not only Udan Galah, all of their dishes are very nice!
今回Kuala Rompin に宿をとったのは、以前カジキ釣りに来た時のNasi Dagangをもう一度食べたかったから。
この辺りの名物、「Udan Galah」の食堂に入った。
肉厚パンパン、はちきれんばかりのUdan Galah(淡水えび)をいただきましたぞ! 時価ですが、エビは一尾RM10前後。
On the way to Kuantan, my ”co-driver” found a beautiful beach where is called Pantai Saujana Biru.
We planned to visit Pekan Museum which is one of my favorite place.
I visited over 60 museums and galleries (included small one), in Malaysia, and Pekan Museum is one of the best.
Unfortunately, it’s under renovation now.
They are going to renew not only it, but also Muzium Pulau Beram. I’m so excited to visit here again.
I share some photos of Pekan Museum when I visited last June.
北へ向かい車を走らせると、コドライバー(言わずもがな私の相棒)が、素敵なビーチを地図上で発見! Pantai Saujana Biruはまだできて日が浅いビーチ公園でBBQもできるようです。
次なる目的地はPekan Museum。
と、いうわけで、今回は去年訪れた時のPekan Museumの写真をこちらにシェアします。
Finally we arrived to Kuanatan at 2pm. We had lunch with my Japanese friend who lives in Kuantan.
I couldn’t meet her long time because of covid-19.
Patin Gulai Tempoyak Badan soup, Patin Gulai Tempoyak Badan grill in the foil, Bergedil, Labu Masak Lemak and Pecal.
Wah~~. I’ve tased tempoyak itself before, but it was my first time to eat with cat fish.
Both taste are similar with Japanese dishes even totally different ingredients though.
May be it’s because of fermented food.
Pahang州やKuantanでポピュラーなPatin Gulai Tempoyak Badan, Paeh Patin Tempoyak Badan, Bergedil, Labu Masak Lemak and Pecalnなどを注文。
Paeh Patin Tempoyak Badanは、Tempoyakでナマズを調理したスープ系のおかず。やさしい酸味と甘みは日本でいう「魚の梅煮」をよりマイルドに仕上げた感じ。
一方、Patin Gulai Tempoyak Badanは、粕漬けのホイル焼きピリ辛バージョン。
Already 4:25pm, time to go to our next destination, Dungun.
We dropped by some beautiful beaches.
Stop and go, Stop and go…
Passed by Kerteh-Paka around 8pm.
Gas pipe line’s here looks like a future city..
Night time is highly recommend, but day time also it’s interesting to see this huge industrial area.
Finally we reached to our hotel in Dungun at 8:30pm.
No energy to go out for dinner.
We ate cup noodle and slept like a log….
次の宿を予約したり、なんやかんやしていたら、もう4:25pm!! 旅に出てから時間の進み方が早すぎる!
Route of the Day
Pantai Balok-
Pantai Penunjuk Kijal-Kuala Rompin