Total Driving Distance: 210km
Muar-Batu Pahat- Rengit- Pontian- JB
Total Driving Time: 5 hours
After the breakfast at hotel, we Jalan-Jalan around Muar town.
This small town remains over 100 years nostalgia.
There are 5 main roads, from the river,
-Jalan Maharani (大馬路)
-Jalan Abdullah (二馬路)Lane of yellow buildings
-Jalan Meriam (三馬路)Lane of pink buildings
-Jalan Ali (四馬路) Lane of blue buildings
-Jalan Arab (五馬路)
You can find many of architecture designs like
-Strait Eclectic (1900-1930)
-Art Deco (1930-1960)
-Shanghai Plaster (1930-1960)
-Modern (1960~)
Each era has unique style, sure you’ll enjoy it.
A lot of local people enjoy Satay from early morning.
We had some too! Of course it is nice even we had breakfast already.
Muarでは朝からSatayが食べられる。地元の人で賑わっているお店で我々も~! ビーフとモツの串がめっちゃうまい!
11am, we left Muar and drove to Batu Pahat.
About 100 years ago, many of Japanese lived and worked there especially rubber industry. You can find old Japan club’s building at riverside built in 1925.
On the way, we stopped by Javanese Heritage House which owned by a family. Then we had Nasi Beriani Gam at the Malay stall under the big tree. It is popular dish in Batu Pahat. Their gravy is fruity, chicken and lamb are so tender~!
11am、後ろ髪を引かれる思いでMuarを発ち、向かうはBatu Pahat。詩人・金子光晴の小説にも当時の様子が書かれる町。
道中にはJavanese Heritage Houseという、ジャワの伝統家具や楽器などのコレクションを公開している小さなギャラリーに立ち寄り、Batu Pahatの名物料理Nasi Beriani Gamを。
チキンとラムの2種。どちらも肉がとっても柔らかく、フルーティーな風味のグレイビーがお上品! 大きな樹の下の屋台は、お客さんでいっぱい。
Drove up and down the hill near Batu Pahat, we reached to Pantai Minyak Beku and Chong Long Gong Temple.
The Temple has some huge fishes. “If you could touch it, you’ll get good luck! “, a prayer told us.
Look up to the hill, you’ll see Bukit Segenting Lighthouse.
Look over the fisherman’s house, you’ll see the lover’s bridge.
Batu Pahatから丘を上り下ると海岸へ、中国寺院Chong Long Gong Templeへ。
寺院内にある巨大な魚に注目! 「なでると幸運に恵まれるよ!」と、地元のお兄ちゃんに教えてもらう。
右手、丘を見上げればBukit Segenting Lighthouse、
左手、漁師さんたちの集落の先にはlover’s bridgeが。
Finally we headed to JB, on the way we bought Rengit Coffee, went to Pantai Rambah and Bugis Museum.
And check into JB at 7:20pm.
Rengit でお気に入りのコーヒー豆を買い、Pantai Rambah とBugis Museumで休憩し、そのまま一気にJohor Bahruへ、午後7時20分に到着~!