A Round the Peninsula-マレー シア半島1周 Malaysia Roadtrip Travel

Day11: Alor Seter-Kuala Perlis (Kuala Kota Kedah, Gua Kelam, Wang Kelian)

Total Driving Distance: 145km
Alor Seter-Kuala Perlis
Total Driving Time: 4hours 30minutes
Jimny with paddy field and Gunun Keriang in Kedah

11:18am, we reached to Samila cafe which is one of the old cafe in Alor Seter that Madew sensei told us.

The interior and food are very simple and classic.
I recalled my childhood, when my grandfather took me to Kissaten (Japanese tea room) in those days.

We ordered tuna/club sandwiches and Knickerbocker Skyscraper for the dessert.
Even I don’t know about those days in Malaysia, its made me feel nostalgic.

Too comfortable here, we stayed for 1 hour and half…

朝食を求めてSamila Cafeへ、11:18am着。
ここはAlor Seterの老舗ホテルに併設したカフェ。

トーストにツナを挟んだツナサンドと、ほんのり甘めの味付けのチキン、チーズ、目玉焼きをトーストに挟んだクラブサンド、それにKnickerbocker Skyscraperというパフェを注文。

缶詰フルーツと3種のアイスクリーム、しょっぱいビスケットがのったパフェは、あっさりしていてめちゃおいしい! 食後にぴったりです。

バニラアイスとマレーシア定番ドリンクのRose Syrupとの相性がよすぎ!


We visited Kuala Kota Kedah. This fort was built 17~18th century. You’ll get the basic history and see the ruins.

Kuala Kota Kedahは17~18世紀に建てられた要塞。

Drove to the north, Perlis, we took the west coast line. Small and narrow Kampung road.
It was really nice view to drive.


4:02pm, we arrived to Gua Kelam which is located near the border of Thailand.
The cave is easy to walk, even small kids can enjoy it. About 350m depth, 30-45 minutes to walk.
If you want to explore more, you need to join the guide tour.

4:02pm、タイ国境付近にあるPerlis州の洞窟Gua Kelamに到着。

Up to more from the Gua Kelam, you’ll reach to the view point. This is amazing place. You can see the unique scenery of Perlis from the mountain.

Perlis is a small states as you know, but they have beautiful nature and clean eateries.
We stayed 1night 2days only, but we’ll come back soon and staying longer for sure.


美しい景色ばかりでなく食べものもおいしかったし、道端の食堂ですら清潔! KLからはちょっと遠いけれども、またゆっくり訪ねたいと思ったのであります。

Wang Kelian View Point

Route of the Day

Edge of the Day

暁のアザーン流るる国に居り 珠え
オフロード流れるアザーンかき消して 我々

A Round the Peninsula-マレー シア半島1周 Malaysia Roadtrip Travel

Day9: Belum-Yan (Bujang Valley, Mount Jerai)

Total Driving Distance: 220km
Belum-Bujang Valley-Mount Jerai-Yan
Total Driving Time: 6 hours

Paddy field with Mount Jerai in Yan district, Kedah.

After the breakfast, we walked around the path in the quiet rainforest. We checked out at noon then continued driving Route 4 to Bujang Valley, arrived there at 2:50pm.

朝食後、ホテル内の熱帯雨林を散歩し、正午にチェックアウト。Kedah州にある遺跡、Bujang Valley に向かうべく、再び魔のRoute 4をひたすら走り抜く。

There are 2 museums in Bujang Valley but only 1 has opened since last year and another is still under renovation.

According to the description of the museum, ”By the 8th century BC, Bujang Valley especially the kingdom which based in Sungai Batu, had grown to become a prominent entrepot in Southeast Asia, conducting trade activities with China, India, West Asia and Europe. The development of Bujang Valley as a trade centre was dependent on the political and economic climate of the world.”

This museum shows especially an international entrepot in the Malay Archipelago, beginning from the 2nd century AD to the 14th century AD.

What made me surprised here was, people in Bujang Valley had technology of iron smelting around 6th B.C.

Bujang Valleyには、博物館が2棟ありますが、一つは改装中、もう一つは昨年オープンしたばかり。

博物館の説明によると、「Bujang Valley、特にSungai Batuを拠点とする王国は、紀元前 8 世紀までに東南アジアの主要な貿易中継地に成長し、中国、インド、西アジア、ヨーロッパとの貿易を行っていた。世界各国との貿易の中心地しての発展は、世界の政治・経済情勢に広く影響を及ぼした」とのこと。


驚いたのは、Bujang Valleyでは紀元前6世紀には鉄の製錬技術があったということである…。

We got basic history of Bujang Valley, then we walked around the site of ruins. There are 3 ancient hindu or influenced Buddhist monuments built around 7th-13th A.D.

Bujang Valleyの基礎知識を得て、博物館の外にあるいくつかの遺跡を巡る。

Next destination is Mount Jerai a height above sea level 1217m. There are vans up to the peak, but we tried to drive ourselves.
It’s narrow and sharp curves and has a steep pitch.

At the beginning, I thought it’s easy, but got higher and higher, the curves looks like folding the road.
My co-driver looked on the map and advised me what kind of corner is coming next.

We were just like a rally driver and co-driver…, maybe we can be them…!?!?

On the top there is a cafe and rest houses.
If you want you can stay over night there.

Bujang ValleyはJerai山(標高1217m)の麓にあるのですが、ここまで来たのだから頂上にまで登ってみよう! ということで、Bujang Valleyの真反対側にある入り口まで行き、さっそく山を駆け上がる…。


地図を見ながらカーブの度合いや傾斜を事前に知らせてくれる相棒、その声に合わせて山を運転する私…、「ラリー選手みたいや~ん⁉」 と、頂上に着いた際には自画自賛の傍ら、クラッチ、アクセル、ブレーキの繰り返しで、歩む両足は子ヤギのようにカクカク震えているではないか。


Look at the mirror. Folded road at Mount Jerai.

We have to move next destination quickly.
It is our friend’s place called Pawana Jerai Resort.
The owner Madew san recommended us to reach there before sunset, and we made it just in time!

The resort is facing to the straits of Malacca.
They’ve got chalet and camping site.
From the balcony, we can see the 3 islands, Pulau Bidan, Pulau Telor and Pulau Songsong.

Nice sea breeze and sound of the wave…
It is great place to relax our tired body and mind…

Tomorrow, we are going to explore a desert island, Pulau Songsong~!

本日の宿は古くからの友人Madewさんが営むPawana Jerai Resort。マラッカ海峡に面したシャレ―と、キャンプ場を併設。海の向こうにはBidan島、 Telor島、Songsong島が見えます。ちょうどいい時間に到着~!


Route of the Day

Edge of the Day

歳月は空行く天馬雲の秋 菅裸馬