A Round the Peninsula-マレー シア半島1周 Malaysia Roadtrip Travel

The very Best 3

Sharing our ”Best 3” of our Road Trip~!



Navigator’s choice

  1. Ikan Bakar (Kuala Perlis, Perlis)
  2. Kacang Pool (JB, Johor)
  3. Nasi Lemak Ikan Masin (Yan, Kedah)

Driver’s choice

  1. Kacang Pool (JB, Johor)
  2. Nasi Air (Pasar Payang, Kuala Terengganu)
  3. Pulut Ayam & Nasi Ulam Utara (Kuala Perlis, Perlis)


Navigator’s choice

  1. Muzium Bukit Besi (Bukit Besi, Terengganu)
  2. Kota Johor Lama Museum (Johor Lama, Johor)
  3. Muzium Orang Asli Jeli (Jeli, Kelantan)

Driver’s choice

  1. Muzium Bukit Besi (Bukit Besi, Terengganu)
  2. Muzium Kota Kayang (Kuala Perlis, Perlis)
  3. Muzium Kota Tinggi (Kota Tinggi, Johor)


Navigator’s choice

  1. Mt. Jerai (Yan, Kedah)
  2. Vale Malaysia (Seri Manjung, Perak)
  3. Javanese Heritage House (Semerah, Johor)

Driver’s choice

  1. Wang Kelian View Point (Kaki Bukit, Perlis)
  2. Songsong Island (Yan, Kedah)
  3. Guillemard Bridge (Tanah Merah, Kelantan)


Navigator’s choice

  1. Pantai Penarik (Permaisuri, Terengganu)
  2. Pantai Senok (Kelantan)
  3. Teluk Senangin Beach (Lumut, Perak)

Driver’s choice

  1. Pantai Senok (Kelantan)
  2. Pantai Balok (Kuantan Pahang)
  3. Pantai Saujana Biru (Muadzam Shah, Pahang)

Edge of the Day

Navigator’s choice

  1. Marang Wave Breaker (Terengganu)
  2. Wang Kelian View Point (Perlis)
  3. Tamang Negara Tanjung Piai (Johor)

Driver’s choice

  1. Marang Wave Breaker (Terengganu)
  2. Galeri Tengku Anis (Tumpat, Kelantan)
  3. Pos Batu Putih (Kuala Perlis, Perlis)
A Round the Peninsula-マレー シア半島1周 Malaysia Roadtrip Travel

Day9: Belum-Yan (Bujang Valley, Mount Jerai)

Total Driving Distance: 220km
Belum-Bujang Valley-Mount Jerai-Yan
Total Driving Time: 6 hours

Paddy field with Mount Jerai in Yan district, Kedah.

After the breakfast, we walked around the path in the quiet rainforest. We checked out at noon then continued driving Route 4 to Bujang Valley, arrived there at 2:50pm.

朝食後、ホテル内の熱帯雨林を散歩し、正午にチェックアウト。Kedah州にある遺跡、Bujang Valley に向かうべく、再び魔のRoute 4をひたすら走り抜く。

There are 2 museums in Bujang Valley but only 1 has opened since last year and another is still under renovation.

According to the description of the museum, ”By the 8th century BC, Bujang Valley especially the kingdom which based in Sungai Batu, had grown to become a prominent entrepot in Southeast Asia, conducting trade activities with China, India, West Asia and Europe. The development of Bujang Valley as a trade centre was dependent on the political and economic climate of the world.”

This museum shows especially an international entrepot in the Malay Archipelago, beginning from the 2nd century AD to the 14th century AD.

What made me surprised here was, people in Bujang Valley had technology of iron smelting around 6th B.C.

Bujang Valleyには、博物館が2棟ありますが、一つは改装中、もう一つは昨年オープンしたばかり。

博物館の説明によると、「Bujang Valley、特にSungai Batuを拠点とする王国は、紀元前 8 世紀までに東南アジアの主要な貿易中継地に成長し、中国、インド、西アジア、ヨーロッパとの貿易を行っていた。世界各国との貿易の中心地しての発展は、世界の政治・経済情勢に広く影響を及ぼした」とのこと。


驚いたのは、Bujang Valleyでは紀元前6世紀には鉄の製錬技術があったということである…。

We got basic history of Bujang Valley, then we walked around the site of ruins. There are 3 ancient hindu or influenced Buddhist monuments built around 7th-13th A.D.

Bujang Valleyの基礎知識を得て、博物館の外にあるいくつかの遺跡を巡る。

Next destination is Mount Jerai a height above sea level 1217m. There are vans up to the peak, but we tried to drive ourselves.
It’s narrow and sharp curves and has a steep pitch.

At the beginning, I thought it’s easy, but got higher and higher, the curves looks like folding the road.
My co-driver looked on the map and advised me what kind of corner is coming next.

We were just like a rally driver and co-driver…, maybe we can be them…!?!?

On the top there is a cafe and rest houses.
If you want you can stay over night there.

Bujang ValleyはJerai山(標高1217m)の麓にあるのですが、ここまで来たのだから頂上にまで登ってみよう! ということで、Bujang Valleyの真反対側にある入り口まで行き、さっそく山を駆け上がる…。


地図を見ながらカーブの度合いや傾斜を事前に知らせてくれる相棒、その声に合わせて山を運転する私…、「ラリー選手みたいや~ん⁉」 と、頂上に着いた際には自画自賛の傍ら、クラッチ、アクセル、ブレーキの繰り返しで、歩む両足は子ヤギのようにカクカク震えているではないか。


Look at the mirror. Folded road at Mount Jerai.

We have to move next destination quickly.
It is our friend’s place called Pawana Jerai Resort.
The owner Madew san recommended us to reach there before sunset, and we made it just in time!

The resort is facing to the straits of Malacca.
They’ve got chalet and camping site.
From the balcony, we can see the 3 islands, Pulau Bidan, Pulau Telor and Pulau Songsong.

Nice sea breeze and sound of the wave…
It is great place to relax our tired body and mind…

Tomorrow, we are going to explore a desert island, Pulau Songsong~!

本日の宿は古くからの友人Madewさんが営むPawana Jerai Resort。マラッカ海峡に面したシャレ―と、キャンプ場を併設。海の向こうにはBidan島、 Telor島、Songsong島が見えます。ちょうどいい時間に到着~!


Route of the Day

Edge of the Day

歳月は空行く天馬雲の秋 菅裸馬

A Round the Peninsula-マレー シア半島1周 Malaysia Roadtrip Travel

Day8: Kota Bharu-Belum

Total Driving Distance: 235km
Kota Bharu- Belum
Total Driving Time: 6 hours 15minutes

8:15am, we headed to Northern-east coast which is the border to Thailand.
On the way, we found huge buddha which heights approximately 30m include the building.

To the edge, we droved the unpaved road.
From the edge, we can see the colourful building of Thailand.
There are abandoned house called Galeri Tengku Anis.
It was very very hot and my co-driver checked the weather, she told me ” Google said its temperature feels like 43℃ now.”
I was almost fainted….

We passed by popular Budu shop in the Kamupung, Pantai Geting.

国境に近づくにつれ、タイ寺院がちらほら現れる。と、突如巨大な仏像が!  建物を入れてだと思うが高さは30mほど。

元資料館であった廃墟Galeri Tengku Anisがあり、その先の川向こうにはタイのカラフルな建物が見えます。

We visited Wau Museum too. It is smaller than Layang-Layang museum in Johor but they show the state Wau in Malaysia.

Wau Museumにも立ち寄った。Johorでは同じく凧の博物館、Layang- Layang Museumに行ったので、せっかく近くにいるのだからと。規模は小さく展示品も少ないのですが、マレーシア各州の凧のデザインの特徴(シンボル?) についての紹介は面白かった。

Back to Kota Bharu town and looked around market, Siti Khadijah. Had a breakfast at Kedai Kopi, and went to the Handicrafts Village.

Kota Bharuの街に戻り、市場Siti Khadijahを覗いたり、食堂で朝食したり。Handicraft Villageにも行ったけれど、ココはもうちょいがんばって欲しいなぁ~というのが正直な感想。

We stopped by Guillemard Bridge which is a single track railway truss bridge, second of the oldest but the longest railway bridge in Malaysia. The bridge was constructed between 1920 and 1924.

Now this site is very well maintained as a park and like a small outdoor museum.

マレーシア国内で二番目に古く(1925年開通)、マレーシア国内最長、現役の単線トラス鉄橋Guillemard Bridgeも見にいく。


Kept on driving to the West. We found a mizium orang asli Jeli. Orang Asli Museum in Gombak explained about Orang Asli whole Malaysia, but here they focus on Jahai tribe.
The curator guided us very kindly. We hope to come back again when we got time more….

西に向かって車を走らせているとmizium orang asli jeliの看板が。時間がないというのに、吸い込まれるように入ってしまった。GombakにあるOrang Asli Museumでは、マレーシア全域に暮らすさまざまな部族を紹介しているが、ここではJeliに暮らす Jahai族について知ることができる。キュレーターの方がとても熱心に教えてくださいました。が、なんせ時間がなく、もっともっと聞きたいことがあったのにタイムオーバー。

It was heavy up and down steep Route3, Johor to Kuala Romipn.
On the other hand, Route 4 Kota Bharu to Belum is gentle but long steep and short down steep.
While I drove Route 4, my eyes or brain got something wrong, I couldn’t see the road conditions properly, weather its going up or down…. Route 4 made me confused.
It was tough driving for me with manual car on Route 4…
My co-driver advised me, ”Up!”, ”Down!”.
Then finally I could drive smoothly…

Before getting dark, we arrived to Belum.
Relax and well rest in the rainforest tonight…

JohorからKuala RompinまでのRoute3は、アップダウンが激しかったけど、Kota BharuからBelumまでのRoute4は、緩やかで長い登り道が延々と続く。


Route of the Day

Edge of the Day

A Round the Peninsula-マレー シア半島1周 Malaysia Roadtrip Travel

Day6: Dungun-Terengganu (Bukit Besi)

Total Driving Distance: 175km
Kuala Dungun-Bukit Besi-Kuala Terengganu
Total Driving Time: 5 hours 15 minutes
Bukit Besi Industrial Heritage

We found hidden gem near from Dungun!!!!!
Do you know about Bukit Besi History?

It’s began when some residence found that stones around here were heavier than normal stones….
The news reached to Japanese geologists and they started an ore research in 1916. Then Nippon Mining Company began small scale mining activities here in 1927.
After Japan surrendered in World War Ⅱ, the Eastern Mining and Metal Company (EMMCO) started larger scale mining activities until 1971.

You’ll learn more detail at the Muzium Bukit Besi.
Then let’s explore this small town which remains a lot of Industrial Heritage!

Dungunから車で約30分、Bukit Besi という小さな小さな町。



Nippon Mining Companyが1927年より採掘を開始。終戦後はthe Eastern Mining and Metal Company (EMMCO)が1971年まで鉄鉱石の採掘をしていたとのこと。

Muzium Bukit Besiでは、当時の様子や歴史を知ることができます。基礎知識を得たら、町のあちらこちらに残る産業遺産を巡ろう~! 今までみたことのないマレーシアを発見できましたよ!

This two-story building was built as temporary storage for Iron Ore.

The stockpiles has 5 tunnels where the ore train wagons wait.

To send Iron ore from Iron Ore Plant to the stockpile through this tunnel using a belting system.
And the concrete building to wash and process ore stone.

Underground wagon tunnel & Crushing Plants.


Bukit Besi Town & Kolam Renang (Swimming pool for British Club).
Bukit Besiの町とイギリスクラブのスイミングプール跡。

From Dungun, take the route 132, it is very nice view with gentle curve road, you can enjoy your driving. Before leaving from Dungun, don’t forget to visit Terowong Bukit Tebuk built in 1936. It’s used to be a train tunnel to send the Iron Ore to the port.

DungunからBukit Besiへ向かうなら132号線がおすすめ。緩やかなカーブと緑豊かな景色。快適なドライブウェイです。また、Dungunを出発する前にTerowong Bukit Tebukも見学。鉄鉱石を採石場から港に運ぶ列車が通過するために1936年に作られたトンネルです。

We were at Bukit Besi for3hours!!!
Today we woke up late and left hotel 12noon, because too tired and overslept. Missed breakfast time so we had coffee and 2 pieces of butter cookie which bought in JB.
After that we were crazy about industrial heritage.
We didn’t have time for lunch….

6pm, we bought Ikan Bilis Bun and 100 plus at Petrol Station and ate it behind the shade, then droved up to north….

On the way we stopped by Taman Rekreasi Rhu Madu and Marang Wave Breaker. From the map these place has a unique shape. I wanted to see how it looks like.
They are so beautiful places.

Arrived to Kuala Terengganu at 8:30pm, quick dinner and Dobi…. Super tired today, but it was very exciting day as well…

なんとBuki Besiに3時間もいた我々。

6時には空腹絶頂、なんでもいいから食べなあかん! と、ガソリンスタンドに駆け込み、イカンビリスのパンと100plusをスタンドの裏の日陰で貪るという…。

途中、Taman Rekreasi Rhu Madu と Marang Wave Breakerに立ち寄った。ココは地図上でみて地形が不思議なので、どうしてもどんなところか見たかったのだ。

午後8時、Kuala Terengganu着。チャイナタウンで急いで麺を食べ、ランドリーでお洗濯。


Route of the Day

Edge of the Day

A Round the Peninsula-マレー シア半島1周 Malaysia Roadtrip Travel

Day4: JB-Kuala Rompin (Kota Tinggi, Johor Lama)

Total Driving Distance: 420km
JB-Pasir Gudang-Kota Tinggi-Johor Lama-Tanjung Balau-Sungai Rengit-Tanjung Sepang-Mersing-Kuala Rompin
Total Driving Time: 9 hours
Taman Rekreasi Bakau

9:34am, we arrived to the restaurant where is the HQ of Kacang Pool stall yesterday. Here, they serve more variety of dishes.
We ordered Kacang Pool beef & mutton, Lontong Goreng and Mee Rebus. All of 4 dishes are delicious.
Too full from the morning…

昨日のKacang Poolのおいしさが忘れられず、今朝はその本店へ行き朝食を。Kacang Pool beef & mutton, 中華の点心でお馴染みの大根餅を炒めたものにそっくりな味わいのLontong Goreng(Lontong はういろうのように米を餅状にしたもの)、 エビのだしが効いたMee Rebusをオーダー。どれもとってもおいしかったんですが、やっぱりKacang Poolがダントツにうまい!

We visited Sarang Buaya Pasir Gudang which is a Crocodile Sanctuary for educating the local community.
We bought buckets of chicken breast and feed crocodiles.
There are 80 over crocodiles here, baby to more than 50 years old. I didn’t know that crocodile can live over 100 years…
Everyday they eat live fishes from the pond, that’s why chicken is their special meal for today!
At the beginning, I felt a bit scared, but once feed to them I changed my mind. They are so cute~!
Staff there are so kind and friendly. They answered everything what we asked.

Not many activities, but you can learn about Malaysian spices of crocodiles. Worth to visit I think.

膨らんだ腹をさすりながらSarang Buaya Pasir Gudangへ。ここではジョホール川で保護されたワニ、およそ80匹を飼育・研究し、ワニについて教えてくれる施設です。




Today’s destination is Kuala Rompin…
Avoid to use highway, we drove to Kota Tinggi and stopped at Kota Tinggi Museum.

It is very well maintained, recommend it if you want to learn about Johor history.
Each of the descriptions with painting, much easier to understand. Exhibited many kind of weapon those days too. Entrance free.

We knew about Laksamana from there, so we visited his tomb too.

本日の目標地点はKuala Rompin。ジョホール川を渡るには高速道路の橋を利用するか、Kota Tinggi方面へ行き無料の橋を渡るか…。今回の旅は「高速道路使用禁止」ということで、遠回り。

そのついでと言ってはなんですが、Kota Tinggi Museumへ。


On the way back to the East-Southern point, we stopped at Kota Johor Lama Museum. You’ll see here the natural fortress. Climbed up to the small hill, you’ll imagine how they observed enemies from the Johor River clearly in those days.

マレー半島の東南端へ戻るため、再び東ジョホール州を南下。その道中にあるKota Johor Lama Museumに立ち寄る。


It’s almost closing time, we drove quickly to the Museum Nelayan Tanjung Balau. We reached to there at 5:07pm, however it was closed at 5pm…

閉館時間ギリギリ、急いでJimnyを走らせMuseum Nelayan Tanjung Balauへ。5:07pm到着も、5pm閉館。チ~ン。

As I mentioned you just now, our destination today is Kuala Rompin in Pahang. But we needed to get the East-Southern point of Johor.

Quickly but safely we drove to the East-South, then drove up to the north~!
Aiya~! What a huge state Johor is…!
To Kuala Rompin, 200km to go…!?

Passed Sedili Kechil to Felda Tenggaroh. The road is narrow, up and down.

It was already 8pm, we were in the dark jungle, no lights at all…

We saw Musang and full of many beautiful stars! What an amazing experience!

Finally arrived to Kuala Rompin at 11:15pm.

No time to have lunch and dinner today…
We survived with banana cake and butter cookies that yesterday we bought. It is very fluffy, nice finger food for driving.


午後11時15分、Kuala Rompin着。


Route of the Day

Edge of the Day
Pantai Tanjung Sepang

はら這いて大地の声や草青む 珠え