Day 8 Mae Sai-Phitsanulok 482km
Day 9 Phitsanulok – Hua Hin 564km
Day 10 Hua Hin-Surat Thani 473km
Day 11&12 Surat Thani-Sadao (Thai-MY Border) -KL 860km

8 th: Finally I visited Golden Triangle where is the border of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos.
On the way I stopped at the Hall of Opium Golden Triangle.
And now…, heading to south, going back to Malaysia!

The Hall of Opium Golden Triangle.

Driving to Phitsanulok. This town has a lot of historical places to see. I’ll come back here again, unfortunately there was no time to stay longer here this time.

9 th: Heading south back to home, another 1200km++…
Stay at Hua Hin tonight…
ひたすら運転頑張る! 今夜のお宿はホアヒン。

10 th: My Jimny had a minor problem, need to fix it at Surat Thani. This town has beautiful nature and temples. Definitely come back again!

11 & 12 th: Kept driving and driving!
Reached the border, but I was too tired to cross it. I didn’t want to drive at night as well. I decided to rest first, crossed the border next day.
Then, finally reached to my sweet home, well done my Jimny the 5,000km++ road trip!
“Cars are not just about fast or price, how far it can go does matter too.”
この日もひたすら運転運転‼ 国境の町サダオに着いたものの、長旅の疲れもあるし、夜中運転するのも嫌だし…。ということで、ここで一泊、もう一息。

Drove more than 5,000km.
Total petrol spent in Thailand and Malaysia is RM2,300.

The Route Map of the Day 8-12