Total Driving Distance: 175km
Kuala Dungun-Bukit Besi-Kuala Terengganu
Total Driving Time: 5 hours 15 minutes

We found hidden gem near from Dungun!!!!!
Do you know about Bukit Besi History?
It’s began when some residence found that stones around here were heavier than normal stones….
The news reached to Japanese geologists and they started an ore research in 1916. Then Nippon Mining Company began small scale mining activities here in 1927.
After Japan surrendered in World War Ⅱ, the Eastern Mining and Metal Company (EMMCO) started larger scale mining activities until 1971.
You’ll learn more detail at the Muzium Bukit Besi.
Then let’s explore this small town which remains a lot of Industrial Heritage!
Dungunから車で約30分、Bukit Besi という小さな小さな町。
Nippon Mining Companyが1927年より採掘を開始。終戦後はthe Eastern Mining and Metal Company (EMMCO)が1971年まで鉄鉱石の採掘をしていたとのこと。
Muzium Bukit Besiでは、当時の様子や歴史を知ることができます。基礎知識を得たら、町のあちらこちらに残る産業遺産を巡ろう~! 今までみたことのないマレーシアを発見できましたよ!

This two-story building was built as temporary storage for Iron Ore.

The stockpiles has 5 tunnels where the ore train wagons wait.

To send Iron ore from Iron Ore Plant to the stockpile through this tunnel using a belting system.
And the concrete building to wash and process ore stone.

Underground wagon tunnel & Crushing Plants.


Bukit Besi Town & Kolam Renang (Swimming pool for British Club).
Bukit Besiの町とイギリスクラブのスイミングプール跡。

From Dungun, take the route 132, it is very nice view with gentle curve road, you can enjoy your driving. Before leaving from Dungun, don’t forget to visit Terowong Bukit Tebuk built in 1936. It’s used to be a train tunnel to send the Iron Ore to the port.
DungunからBukit Besiへ向かうなら132号線がおすすめ。緩やかなカーブと緑豊かな景色。快適なドライブウェイです。また、Dungunを出発する前にTerowong Bukit Tebukも見学。鉄鉱石を採石場から港に運ぶ列車が通過するために1936年に作られたトンネルです。

We were at Bukit Besi for3hours!!!
Today we woke up late and left hotel 12noon, because too tired and overslept. Missed breakfast time so we had coffee and 2 pieces of butter cookie which bought in JB.
After that we were crazy about industrial heritage.
We didn’t have time for lunch….
6pm, we bought Ikan Bilis Bun and 100 plus at Petrol Station and ate it behind the shade, then droved up to north….
On the way we stopped by Taman Rekreasi Rhu Madu and Marang Wave Breaker. From the map these place has a unique shape. I wanted to see how it looks like.
They are so beautiful places.
Arrived to Kuala Terengganu at 8:30pm, quick dinner and Dobi…. Super tired today, but it was very exciting day as well…
なんとBuki Besiに3時間もいた我々。
6時には空腹絶頂、なんでもいいから食べなあかん! と、ガソリンスタンドに駆け込み、イカンビリスのパンと100plusをスタンドの裏の日陰で貪るという…。
途中、Taman Rekreasi Rhu Madu と Marang Wave Breakerに立ち寄った。ココは地図上でみて地形が不思議なので、どうしてもどんなところか見たかったのだ。
午後8時、Kuala Terengganu着。チャイナタウンで急いで麺を食べ、ランドリーでお洗濯。

Route of the Day

Edge of the Day